Turbo Album Art + Branding

Album Branding & 3D Design

TURBO is an album by Talal Qureshi that masterfully blends Eastern and Western musical influences, bridging cultural gaps. It features collaborations with esteemed artists such as Zaw Ali, Zahoor, Blal Bloch, Natasha Noorani, and Maanu. The vision was to create a platform that accommodates the album's diverse musical styles.

To achieve this, we designed a custom typeface for "Turbo" and positioned Talal at the center using a low-angle shot, emphasizing his role as the main character. This visual strategy underscores the album's eclectic mix and highlights Talal's pivotal presence.

The psychedelic glass flower became a symbol of the universe we created, with Talal as a central part of it. We incorporated this motif into the track list and used it consistently across all individual tracks when creating separate versions, emphasizing the cohesive and immersive experience of the album.

The concept for the album was to evoke the feeling of different times of the day with each track. To enhance this theme, we used the same flower in the artwork but varied the skies to reflect the specific time of day each track represents.

Turbo Album Art + Branding

The most incredible part was that our work was showcased in Times Square, bringing immense visibility and recognition to the project! Seeing our concept displayed on such a prestigious platform was an unforgettable milestone.

Turbo Album Art + Branding